Can you believe it?
How fast 365 days go by? It seems like I blinked and suddenly the year is over!
SO much has happened this year both good and bad because ya know it's life...
Some Highs
1. I traveled to San Diego for the first time
2. I had a internship teaching fourth grade at a dual language school
3. Completing the last year of my bachelors degree & GRADUATING
4. Growing my blog
5. Running my photography business (BOSS BABE)
6. Learning and growing from my mistakes
Some Lows
1. Being stressed beyond measures
2. Not having a solid job yet because I need to take 4 certification exams
3. Grandma going to heaven
4. Family going through changes
This Year I am creating goals for myself... ones that I can actual check off :p
I believe it's important to set goals. Wether they are short term goals or long term it's good to keep us on our feet to get things done!
Definition of goal according to merriam-webster
the end toward which effort is directed
Think about it..
where do you wanna be? what do you want to accomplish?
I suggest you write it down wether you type it out and print it or get creative and write it on colorful paper and post it somewhere in your home. It could be a wall of goals for everyone in the household. A way for all of you to keep each other on check.
Here are some of my goals... ♥
1. Be more involved with the community
2. Be present around people
3. Get to know others and where they come from
4. Learn how to cook 6-10 new recipes
5. Travel to at least 3-4 new places (I am currently at the airport now waiting for my flight!)
6. Donate clothes I do no longer want/need
7. Finish my exams (Study study)
8. Try something new
9. buy a box frame for my bed because my mattress is on the floor :p
11. Save money for 2020
12. Work out at least 4 days out of the week
13. Eat healthier
14. Only allow myself to eat chips and salsa once a week :P
15. Start paying back my loans
16. Take chances
17. Be more confident
18. Build my blog
19. Be who I am ALWAYS
20. Visit my family more
21. Reduce stress and start doing YOGA
22. Sleep more
23. Wake up with time to eat breakfast before work
24. Grow in my relationship with my loved one.
25. Be a better daughter, sister, cousin, friend, girlfriend etc etc
26. Perfect my Spanish
27. Learn more about photography
28. Become more organized
29. Go to the doctor
30. Be early NOT late
31. Be more responsible
32. Figure out a way to make money if I don't get a big girl job soon
33. Spend a little less time on social media
34. Be more romantic
35. Be a little more vulnerable and not let my wall get in the way
36. Continue writing my journal - I started writing about my relationship and I really want to keep writing WHO knows maybe it will be a book one day :P
37. Work smarter not harder
38. Put money aside to help my parents
39. Plan a trip with my girlfriends/family/love
40. Go to the beach more to hear the sound of the waves
41. Love myself
42. Be more social around people I do not know
43. Talk to those I love weekly
44. Learn to not take things to heart
45. Be the best that I can be ALWAYS
46. VLOG for me to look back and for others incase they want advice
47. Blog about life and REAL things
48. Learn how to bake a cake from scratch
49. apply for a masters degree
I will keep you all in the loop with my goal checks!
SO excited to do this and start a NEW year with new opportunities, new rollercoaster rides, and unpredictable memories!
Love always,
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