What are you doing this summer?
Are you broke as fudge bunnies? Me too :(
Here are a couple ideas for you to do this summer/anytime at all!!! :D
1. Go visit all the hiking trails/parks in your city! Plan a picnic where you can bring food and fruit from home!
2. Go swim! Forget the apartment pool outside look for free admission pools or for rivers you can go swim/float at with out any entrance fee's! Again, bring food from home and plenty of water to enjoy your day! Don't forget your sunscreen!
3. Go near the closest airport, park your car around the area or a nearby park and watch the planes land and take off! If you can get as close as possible so that the planes pass right over you! Bring your camera for a fun photo session!
4. Grab a group of friends and play board games! Cards against humanity, monopoly, UNO, you can even download a free version of heads up on your phone!
5. Take pictures. Okay if you are a girl I am sure you love this! Grab a bag fill it up with 3-4 outfits and go with your girlfriends or take your tripod to take pictures around time! Golden hour in the morning or get that evening shoot!!
6. Find free movies around town! There are tons of places you can go watch free movies at a park! Check out Slab Cinema for free movie showings all year long in San Antonio!
7. Learn to cook/bake. You are going to the grocery store any way right? Skip out on the usuals and find online recipes to try and taste something new! Maybe the best decision ever!
8. Start a blog. WordPress.com is free. So is Blogger.com. Starting a blog is a blast. Use your creativity and build a following.
9. Attend a free workout class. Many gyms, bootcamps, etc. will let you try their facility or program at least once for free to help you get fit this summer! I always do free trials they are the BEST!
10. Watch the sunrise with some orange juice early in the morning. Find a cute spot and enjoy your time! Also.... watch the sunset, so romantic!
11. Read a book, trade your awesome love story novel with a friends to read another cool book!
12. Write your own story! Get it published on amazon.
13. Move your room around, have extra canvas at home? Let your inner artist shine!
14. Have a garage sell. You know those shorts that don't fit anymore? Those gains are real! You need new stuff. Out with the old in with the new.
There are tons of stuff you can do this summer without spending a dime. I know it's hard friends believe me, I know. However, we got this! Now go out and have a good time!
Let me know what you do! :p
xo always
Shop my outfit
Swim top
Similar sun hat
Green bottom
Are you broke as fudge bunnies? Me too :(
Here are a couple ideas for you to do this summer/anytime at all!!! :D
1. Go visit all the hiking trails/parks in your city! Plan a picnic where you can bring food and fruit from home!
2. Go swim! Forget the apartment pool outside look for free admission pools or for rivers you can go swim/float at with out any entrance fee's! Again, bring food from home and plenty of water to enjoy your day! Don't forget your sunscreen!
3. Go near the closest airport, park your car around the area or a nearby park and watch the planes land and take off! If you can get as close as possible so that the planes pass right over you! Bring your camera for a fun photo session!
4. Grab a group of friends and play board games! Cards against humanity, monopoly, UNO, you can even download a free version of heads up on your phone!
5. Take pictures. Okay if you are a girl I am sure you love this! Grab a bag fill it up with 3-4 outfits and go with your girlfriends or take your tripod to take pictures around time! Golden hour in the morning or get that evening shoot!!
6. Find free movies around town! There are tons of places you can go watch free movies at a park! Check out Slab Cinema for free movie showings all year long in San Antonio!
7. Learn to cook/bake. You are going to the grocery store any way right? Skip out on the usuals and find online recipes to try and taste something new! Maybe the best decision ever!
8. Start a blog. WordPress.com is free. So is Blogger.com. Starting a blog is a blast. Use your creativity and build a following.
9. Attend a free workout class. Many gyms, bootcamps, etc. will let you try their facility or program at least once for free to help you get fit this summer! I always do free trials they are the BEST!
10. Watch the sunrise with some orange juice early in the morning. Find a cute spot and enjoy your time! Also.... watch the sunset, so romantic!
11. Read a book, trade your awesome love story novel with a friends to read another cool book!
12. Write your own story! Get it published on amazon.
13. Move your room around, have extra canvas at home? Let your inner artist shine!
14. Have a garage sell. You know those shorts that don't fit anymore? Those gains are real! You need new stuff. Out with the old in with the new.
There are tons of stuff you can do this summer without spending a dime. I know it's hard friends believe me, I know. However, we got this! Now go out and have a good time!
Let me know what you do! :p
xo always
Shop my outfit
Swim top
Similar sun hat
Green bottom
S U M M E R. S U M M E R. S U M M E R. S U M M E R. S U M M E R. S U M M E R

Hello loves!
Not sure if you have noticed but there are tons of sales going on RIGHT NOW!!!
I wanted to share some of my favorite items, I really want to wear them everyday and not take them off because they are so darn cute! This the perfect time to #loveyourbody and take a dip in the pool to make the most of this hot summer sun!
La cantera resort and spa is such a cool place to stay, chill, swim, eat, relax, oh! And take cute pictures! They are so sweet! Love the staff! You definitely need to eat at Primero cantina, Order a lemonade it is to die for!!
Shop my outfit friends!
Bow beach hat
Cutest swim suit!
Sandals in so many cute colors
Similar red earrings :)
I hope you enjoy, and have the most amazing SUMMER!
Comment below what your plans are! I'd love to know :)
xo, Jazz
How you doing? Me? Eh, let me be transparent... I have been better. But you know life does this thing I like to call a challenge. Sometimes they are big, sometimes they are small but you know what? We survive. We survive because we are stronger than anything that life throw our way. WE GOT THIS! Nothing in life is every easy especially the things that are TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!
You all asked me what I do to stay fit and healthy my answer to you is (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) I let myself be HAPPY!!! I gained 14 pounds this spring semester and I felt terrible, physically and mentally. I was very unhappy with myself and with my body. It's hard to be in school and working to have the time and energy to work out. Don't ya think?
Here are a couple things I do to stay happy and healthy...
1. Eat right
By this I don't mean only eat salad and forget about the tacos... no friend eat right as in have you breakfast, your lunch, your snack, and your dinner! You have to feed you body, of course staying away from tacos helps but you can also treat yourself! Eating a healthy diet can help boost your immune system and help you maintain a healthy weight! Feel free to treat your self once every week! Just don't go crazy :p
2. Exercise
I know it could be challenging to find the time but make the time even if that means waking up earlier or sleeping later. Trust me you will thank yourself later. It's hard especially going to school/working full time. But you got this! After all we make time for the things we want, no?
Sleep as much as you can for as long as you can! It is true what they say we all need our beauty sleep! Sleep deprivation can lead to reduced brain function, fatigue, headaches and weight loss or gain.
4. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks
Other than the fact that they weigh you down, you can instantly notice the difference in your body with staying away from these sugary drinks in only a couple weeks! If you need an energy boost, try eating foods high-protein, high-fiber foods.
5. Drink lots of water!
In the morning before breakfast or for breakfast drink at least 32 ounces of water to get your body going! Even squeeze lemon juice in it to detox your body! Clean out that system. Your skin and body are going to feel 100x better if you drink at least 2 gallons of water a day!
Stress eating, binge watching shows, all a combination of stress and unhappiness but it can lead you away from your goals. Remember every time why you are trying to improve yourself and don't stop till you reach the top and keep going from there.
7. Believe in yourself
Never doubt that you are strong and a beautiful human being!!! You don't have to be a size 0... you just have to love yourself and make sure you are doing all you can to feel better and be happy.
xo always, Jazz
H E L L O J U N E!!!
Whats cooking good looking? It's already June, can you believe it? I can't! Time flies by way too fast! Don't ya think? I Just finished with my May classes and just started my June course... anyone else in school all summer? (Peep my mom in the mirror taking all my photos :p She ain't a photographer but she does her best for me... she is so CUTE!!!!)
Today I woke up thirsty for life. Lately, I have been waking up early and instead of going back to bed like I previously would I have been getting up and moving! Let me just tell you I feel 100% better than I did during the first couple of days in May. I had gained 14 pounds because all I would do is work and school, school and work. I was exhausted everyday and had no energy nor did I make time to work out.
I gets hard, it gets real hard to maintain a healthy life style when you are always on the go. I am currently still working, and taking summer classes but I realized how terrible I was feeling about my self that I decided that if I was going to wake up early anyway instead of staying in bed scrolling down instagram seeing all these gorgeous fit people I decided I wanted to be one of them.
Here I am today, consistent in my work outs for 2 weeks straight and I am down 5 pounds. I feel it ya'll. I feel the energy I have from staying away from my daily dose of junk food, I feel the breakfast I have been eating (almost everyday) and my workouts helping me happier and healthier. Don't get me wrong, I still eat my food but I cut off my tortillas, I am eating smaller portions of what I love, and eating more at home. My goal is to save money by meal prepping, and eating smaller portions so when I am able to I can have my flammy hot cheese and not feel terrible about it :p
I feel one of the biggest things about not being happy and healthy is feeling ugly in everything I would try on. I felt to chubbs, not pretty enough so I would cry and cry until I got over it because I had too. It's hard, growing up, our bodies are changing so much it's hard to remember with age our bodies develop in ways we haven't known. Being a girl is so HARD. Am I right? :(
Every little break I get I take an adventure, I never take a second for granted... we never should! My life has been so fast paced, I wish it was me traveling all around the globe but instead it's work, school, work, school and everything in between. And an adventure to me is not hopping on a plane and going to Paris, no, it's about trying new things and getting out of my comfort zone and exploring my surrounding even if they are only a couple of miles away.
You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to call it and "Adventure" you can literally go out and try different things and thats you having an adventure with yourself. Learning about the things you like, even don't like, even try something completely out of the ordinary and that right there is an adventure.
This weekend I am spending it in Houston. I came up for my cousins High School graduation and to visit my sister who BTW did my hair because I am literally the worst at doing hair and make up but I think I did a pretty good job today! What do you think? :P It looks pretty good if I do say so myself. Anyhow, I have been going to different trails and spending time with my family and creating memories with spending little to nothing. I even got see one of my greatest friends after a whole 10 months!
My over all goal for you all is to take a step outside, venture somewhere you haven't been even if it's down the block. Remember you create your own happiness. YOU are #1.
Happy Weekend Amigas!
You are loved.
xoxo, Jazz
PS. Shop some cute stuff here!
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