I was already so tired of the sun going down so early and all that cold weather! Now the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming it's my favorite season! (TBH I kinda like them all) lol.
My favorite part of spring is that it's in between being fresh outside and warm at the same time! It's the kinda weather you can go for a run outside without sweating like a pig! I love rolling down my windows, putting on a good summer vibe song and, enjoy the gorgeous weather!
If you have been keeping up with me... ya'll know I'm an outfit repeater because let's be real what college student has money for days? I know I don't so I do my best to mix and match my clothes so I don't annoy myself with wearing the same things!! This top is from a super cute boutique owned by one of my friends! She really has an eye for beautiful clothing I wish I could buy everything! America Batel Boutique be sure to check out her page! Ps. My boyfriend picked my outfit this time and He did such a GREAT job! I love the combo! Comment below on what you think about his fashion skills! I think he dresses me better than I dress myself :P
So I haven't felt like myself lately... I am always on the go which stresses me out and I don't sleep enough so the thought of knowing I won't sleep much also stresses me out and let's just say I have been a complete MESS!!! I don't know what to do ya'll... Usually, yoga, meditation, and dancing help me release all the stress inside me but I haven't even had time for that! I feel like I'm just working and working with no breaks. Sure, I take an hour off of work or school but in that hour I'm just thinking about work and school... I wish there was a way to put that part of my life on hold to just breath a little without crying.I am always on the verge of breaking down or just staying quiet and I get into the kinda feels were you don't want to talk to a single person. That's been me lately and I love talking to people but, I'm just like "get out of my face, thanks." It's just not me... (weird right?)
Apart from all this, my car got hit while parked. The witness saw a blue car hit my car and ditch the premises. I was so exhausted I didn't even throw a fit... angry Jaslyn is someone you don't want to mess with, trust me. I held my tears and called the insurance after I filed a report and they said it would cost $500 to repair the damages. I have only had my car for a year and a half so you could imagine my heartbreak. That's just so mean. I couldn't live with my self if I had hit a car and fled after damaging it.
Apart from the mess, I have felt life has been there's also really GREAT parts. I love remaining positive (After all my breakdowns cause we human and we gotta cry every now and then) and a big part of my positivity comes from my boyfriend and my older brother. They are the people I spend the most time with and they always make me feel good. I have found that it is highly important to surround your self with those who are,
1. positive
2. optimistic
3. caring
4. loving
5. trustworthy
It's the best thing you can do!!!
Sorry for all the ranting I just felt that I had a lot to get off my chest and I want to be as transparent for whoever is reading this... so many smiling faces that we see but we may never know what they may be going through so always be your kind self!!
Ps. Don't be shy tell me who you are, and what makes your world go round. I want to get to know YOU!!!
Hope you enjoyed this brunch chit chat!
love always,
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