Dead Horse State Park is a park I recommend for everyone! This park definitely has views all around. There is no hiking needed, just you in a car drive down to the park, and walk to the viewpoint.
The viewpoint is gorgeous but we all love photos without rails and sitting on rocks to relax and enjoy the views. I recommend walking around and finding different areas to picnic at, sit at, and just breathe.
My girlfriends and I took a break from the photos and watched as time slowed down and all of nature was at peace. Strong winds definitely rolled in but the freezing weather was exactly what our bodies needed to refresh.
All of our life is spent working, pleasing others, and being stuck in 4 walls. It feels so nice to get out in a world that feels endless. No traps just pure freedom. I love that feeling, the one you get where you have no one to answer to... no one to worry about it's just you and nature all alone. It is beautiful.
I never knew such beauty existed as a kid. Movies are where I would find my escape and it felt absolutely incredible to experience something this grand in real life.
My eyes were so happy, my soul so free, this is a different kind of love and I want more.
My favorite part about this trail is that if you stay on the pavement, anyone can come enjoy... that is typically hard to find and I love that it feels all inclusive.
I shot all these images with my Canon 6D mark 2 and 35mm lux series lens. You can find my products here. :D
My Camera -Canon 6D mark 2
The lens I used for my entire trip - 35mm 1.4
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