Welcome to my blog

Monday, January 22, 2018

Hello love bugs!!! 

Welcome to my blog! For my first post, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Jaslyn, I am from a small Texas border town where I grew up with my parents and two older siblings. I am super close to my family, probably a result of growing up in a small home where I didn’t have my own room until I was twelve years old. I am the baby of the family and to be honest, I still act like it too... I still hold my dads hand and cuddle up to my mom every time I go home to visit because I still get scared of the creepy sounds my house makes.

I am a foodie. I especially love tacos and add salsa to everything. I love to dance. You can catch me dancing even when there is no music playing. I am a babysitter. I love taking care of kids. I mean straight up ADORE the little boogers. I’m in my fourth year of college, but I still don’t know what I want to do in the future. I am studying bilingual education and while I love babysitting, I can’t see myself being a teacher for the rest of my life.

I love to travel. Even if it’s only traveling to a small town or city an hour away from where I live. Oh yea, I live in San Antonio, Texas by the way! I moved here when I started at The University of Texas at San Antonio. I love being outdoors more that I like watching Netflix, although Gossip Girl and Friends win every time. I love to surround myself with beautiful good hearted souls that will tell me when I have red lipstick on my teeth and who enjoy a day full of adventures instead of a night out partying. I have a family that make me feel so very loved and a boyfriend who makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

I’m in love with photography as you will notice and if you ask who takes my pictures, a lot of the times its my loves, or myself. YES! I am that girl who has her tripod with her when no one else is around to take pictures for me, let’s just say I get weird stares all the time (HAHAHAHA) it’s GREAT! I’m excited to share a piece of my pie with each of you and I hope you do too! I love people and I am so excited to get to know y'all!

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